Bailey Slacktish 1

Magical Moment

Riding velocicoaster at night for the first time with my mom

Bailey Slacktish

Travel Agent

Email –

As a shy kid, my parents would encourage me to embrace my outgoing side and to do this I would get my face painted as a tiger. This was typically done in Disney Springs, which was once known as Downtown Disney. Even to this day, anytime someone mentions Disney a spark of happiness lights me up. This vacation has been a nostalgic part of my life and will always bring a smile to my face. My love for Disney extends beyond the theme parks. My mom and I keep an eye out for any new movies to watch together. A new one we just watched was Elemental, which is a cute and uplifting movie. On the other hand, my dad and I love the Harry Potter films. He took me to Universal ten years ago as a surprise to fulfill my dreams of entering the wizard world. For me, Disney is not just a destination but instead a place where my happiest memories are. I love remembering the family vacations that brought so much love and laughter into my life. 

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Chat with Bailey

Schedule a time to speak with me, whether by phone or video call, about your family's next vacation.

Bailey Slacktish 2

Bailey Slacktish

Independent Travel Agent

Email –

Location – Harvey’s Lake, Pennsylvania

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