Single Rider Line Added for Star Wars Rise of the Resistance at Disney’s Hollywood Studios

Disney has added a Single Rider queue line to one of their most popular Hollywood Studios attractions, Rise of the Resistance inside Star Wars Galaxy's Edge.

This past week we had an exciting park operations update over at Disney’s Hollywood Studios at the Walt Disney World Resort. A single rider line has been introduced at the Rise of the Resistance Attraction in Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge. This update is a great perk for solo travelers to get through the queue line quicker, as Disney uses the single rider line to fill empty seats on the ride vehicles. Single rider lines typically always provide guests with a very short wait time in comparison to the normal standby line. This therefore makes choosing to go in the single rider line the ultimate theme park hack!

Since the opening of Star War Galaxy’s Edge, the other attraction in the land, Millennium Falcon: Smugglers Run has always offered a single rider queue line. Fans are now thrilled that both of the land’s attractions will unitize the single rider queue system. The single rider line allows more ride vehicles to be filled up will translate to the ride operating even more efficiently and hopefully keeping the overall wait time of the standby queue shorter as a result.

Even when I visit the parks with my friends and family, we will all sometimes opt to take advantage of a single rider queue when available to enjoy a much shorter wait. It’s always special to experience a ride or attraction with your traveling party; however if everyone has already done the ride before than utilizing the single rider line can save you so much time.  You can use that time not spent waiting in line to enjoy other experiences in the park with your group.

With the Rise of the Resistance single rider line, you will have a modified ride experience. The modified experience simply means you miss out on both pre-show elements. You skip past the room with the hologram of Rey and also skip the shuttle transport. If you have experienced Rise of the Resistance before you will know that these pre-show scenes greatly help set the backstory to comprehend what is happening on the ride itself. Due to this fact, I would recommend anyone who has never been on Rise of the Resistance before not do the single rider line for their first ride experience. However, if you have already been on the ride in the past and know the storyline of the ride, taking advantage of the single rider line would absolutely be worth it.

We have a full vlog posted on our YouTube channel that highlights the entire single rider line experience. If you are curious as to where the single rider queue leads you, be sure to check out the video:

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