Gia De Santino 2

Magical Moment

Dancing in the rain at Animal Kingdom during my first ever Solo Disney Trip!

Gia De Santino

Travel Agent

Email –

Family Vacations are one of the most important things to me and my family, and when i say family i don’t just mean me and my parents. For as long as I can remember my parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, siblings and I have gone on both a summer and a winter family trip all together. Our go to trips are cruising in the summer and Walt Disney World in the winter. Some of my favorite vacation memories have been going on the Disney Dream cruise with my ever growing family in 2022, taking some of my students on a field trip to Disney World for their first time in 2023, and taking a cruise around Europe and last minute deciding to go to Paris for 2 days just so we could go to Disneyland Paris in 2016. My dream is to visit Asia and be able to complete my bucket list item of visiting ALL of the Disney Parks around the world. I want to go to Hong Kong Disneyland, Shanghai Disneyland, and Tokyo Disneyland all in one huge trip. I would be so honored to help you in achieving Happily Ever After on your family vacations.

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Schedule a time to speak with me, whether by phone or video call, about your family's next vacation.

Gia De Santino 1

Gia De Santino

Independent Travel Agent

Email –

Location – Miami, Florida

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