Keri Koch 1

Magical Moment

Experiencing the Electrical Water Pageant with my Dad, at Wilderness Lodge. Seeing him share his childlike excitement with my boys brought Disney magic to a whole new level!!

Keri Koch

Travel Agent

Email –

As a mom of three boys, I have always placed an emphasis on experiencing life to the fullest. This has included traveling to as many different places as possible and, of course, indulging our family love of all things Disney! I have visited Disney and traveled on cruises many times with multiple generations of family, solo and one-on-one trips with my boys. I have extensive experience with the use of DAS, food allergy arrangements and other accommodations that are often necessary for everyone to enjoy their experience. I am so excited to help other families create the same core memories that have brought so much joy to the ones I love. Always take the trip! You will not regret it!!

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407 and Beyond Vacation LLC. has made the purchase of travel insurance available to me. By signing this form, I acknowledge that I am declining the offer to purchase travel protection or trip insurance. I understand that there is a risk involved with any travel, including activities and/or excursions. I also understand that travel insurance may be able to protect me from possible loss of money due to supplier bankruptcy or default, unexpected trip cancellation or interruption due to accident, sickness or death, baggage loss, medical expenses, emergency air transportation costs and covered situations that are beyond my control.

This waiver confirms that I voluntarily decline travel insurance and travel protection insurance for the trip described below. I understand I am solely liable for all airline fees, supplier fees, and agency fees that may apply, and I hereby release 407 and Beyond Vacation LLC. and its agents from all liability related to the trip described below.

Chat with Keri

Schedule a time to speak with me, whether by phone or video call, about your family's next vacation.

Keri Koch 4

Keri Koch

Independent Travel Agents

Email –

Location – Westwood, NJ

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