My Time as a Disney Cast Member

Wonder what it's like to be a Disney Cast Member? Read about my experience in the Disney College Program to see how you can be a part of the magic!

In Spring 2022, I became a Walt Disney World Cast Member through the Disney College Program. My internship at Disney lasted six months, and while it had its challenges, it has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life so far.

My love for Disney began as a child when my parents decided to take a trip to Walt Disney World…and then another trip…and another one…and probably three more after that. What can I say? We love vacationing at Disney! I discovered the Disney College Program in high school and decided that was the one thing I knew I wanted to do while in college. A paid internship at Walt Disney World that my school would give me credit for? Sign me up! Fast forward a few years when the program finally reopened after 2020, I applied and was accepted. I was most nervous about my job placement because roles were based on operational need when I applied. I was also nervous about meeting new friends, but that quickly changed.

I lived at Disney’s housing for College Program participants, Flamingo Crossings Village. Flamingo was brand new when I moved in, and while some people give it a bad rap, I personally loved it! Rent is expensive and comes out of your paycheck, but I expected and prepared for that, so it wasn’t a shock to me. I did have a rocky roommate experience at first, but thankfully, I was able to move in to a new unit with another girl who also had a rocky roommate experience, and she and I bonded over that and got along well! Even though I had my car while at Flamingo, I also utilized the bus transportation, and it only got better as my program went on. The night life at Flamingo Crossings Village is so fun, and I wish I was able to spend more time there at night. I worked mostly from 3 o’clock in the afternoon to midnight, so when I did have nights off, I usually spent them at the parks with my friends. One of the best perks of working for Disney is the free park admission. I sure took advantage of that! I did attend the welcome event for new participants at Flamingo Crossings the week I arrived, and that is where I met a great group of friends. Two girls from that group became my very best friends, and we still talk on a weekly basis.

My role placement was Resort Custodial…something I was very nervous about, but it ended up being wonderful! Don’t get me wrong, it was very difficult to watch as fellow College Program participants worked at places like Galaxy’s Edge or Fantasyland while I was at a resort tying up trash bags. Working in custodial taught me a lot about the “behind the scenes” work that it takes to keep a Disney resort running. Cast Members work hard, and the job is not always full of pixie dust. The coworkers I met during this time have been so influential in my life, and I try to visit the ones who are still at my home resort when I get the chance. One of the hardest shifts I had was working at Port Orleans Riverside when we were short staffed. That night, I had five pool areas and all the surrounding trashcans to maintain. I basically ran one entire side of the resort by myself that night. Afterwards, I felt extremely accomplished.

During my time as a Custodial Cast Member, I worked at a few resorts: Port Orleans Riverside and French Quarter, Pop Century, All Star Music and Sports, and the Riviera. I know how much it takes to keep these resorts looking beautiful, so the next time you see a Custodial, Housekeeping, or Maintenance Cast Member, thank them for what they do. It is often a thankless job, and I know personally how impactful it can be when a guest says “thank you.”

Overall, I would 100% recommend working for Disney if you’ve ever considered it. The College Program is a great way to get “introduced” to the company, and although I decided to leave after my internship ended, I know many people who stayed and still work there today. My two best friends from the program completed two programs, and one is going back this summer to start her third! Working for Disney was a dream of mine, and I am so thankful that I got to live that dream. I went in with a positive outlook, and I knew I wanted to make the most of my experience. I have so many wonderful memories from my time working at Walt Disney World. If you’re on the fence, give it a go! You don’t want to look back one day and wonder what it would have been like.

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