Nick D 1

Magical Moment

In the evening it felt like the boys and I were living in a Star Wars universe, with troopers, folks dressed as Jedi, and the smells and sounds of Batuu.

Nick DiColandrea

Travel Agent

Email –

As a father of three, we need to get out of the house. A lot! Not only do we as a family take trips to cities like Atlanta and Washington DC, visit National Zoos and Parks, and beautiful southern beaches, but we’ve traveled to Walt Disney World multiple times and enjoy the inclusive magic theme parks bring us. Fortunately I do get to travel without the kids! So I’ve also been able to see amazing places like St. Lucia and Hawaii, major cities like New York, New Orleans, and Minneapolis that all add an extra layer of appreciation for getting out of my own backyard! 

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Nick D 2

Nick DiColandrea

Independent Travel Agent

Email –

Location – Raleigh, North Carolina

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